Sunday, October 19, 2008

Busy Bee

As the fall always does, it is proving to be quite the busy time.  Marching season has taken over, but we're coming to an end.  One more competition to go; GREAT!

More progress on the wedding, though.  We just finished our invitations today, haven't ordered them, but we've picked them out and put our wording on all of the inserts as well.  We're very excited!  Bridesmaid dresses have been ordered and should be in by February.  We're also still figuring out honeymoon stuff, we have our engagement pictures in just a few weeks, and we're also headed to our reception site to eat and solidify the menu.  I'm really enjoying the wedding planning process, it's been fun!

It's a four-day week this week, so that's certainly exciting.  We are very excited to attend Meredith's wedding this weekend, stay at Jess's house with Becca and company.  Should be a good time.


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