Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Museum Trip

This past weekend we took Preston to a place that we knew he would love.  It was a museum full of trains!  Preston's Hog Heaven :)  Thanks to Val for suggesting it!
We had a great time and we are really trying to make sure we do things for Preston so he doesn't feel left out or that all of the attention is only aimed toward the baby.  Whether it's swim lessons, play dates, museum tours, a trip to Jumpology, or visiting the Grandparents - we are trying to have outings just for Preston.
Check it out!

The live train set was awesome - the kiddos got to hit a button and start the trains up.

Time for lunch!  Nuggets and fries - can't go wrong.

Sweet baby girl.

Grammy got to go with us and we are so glad.  She is always such a huge help with the kids, and she really knows how to remind us to just laugh sometimes.  We had some trying times with Preston this past weekend and it really put us in a bad mood.  My Mom knows how to lighten the mood and reminds us that this is only temporary.
Thanks, Mom...you are seriously my hero.

The next two pictures are my favorites from the trip.  Preston was so happy, especially when we got to ride the train.  The train ride was pretty darn short, but it was enough for an almost three year old.
Holding his ticket.

Preston thought the real trains were pretty cool, but all he wanted to do all day was play with the toy trains.  They had a great spot for little kids where they could just run around...

It was also a great place for the adults to rest in some lovely rocking chairs :)

Preston may look tiny in front of this big train, but he will be turning three in just two months and I can't believe how big he is getting.  He is such a smart and loving little boy and I just don't want to miss a thing!

A great trip and great memories. 

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