Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The MacGyver Mamaroo

So lately, this chick hasn't been sleeping.  She would take 30 minute cat naps here and there, but nothing substantial.  Which then affected her night time sleep.  She had been going like a champ in the swing we initially had but then all of a sudden hated it. 
Time to figure things out.  How can we get this beautiful baby girl to sleep more?

Have we mentioned that Lyla is COMPLETELY different than Preston.  We went in to this second baby thinking it would all be the same and we were going to be pro's at it.  Well...she proved us wrong!

My maternity leave started on Monday and that day I was able to just spend with her because Preston had an end of summer party to attend.  It was crunch time.  Let me try anything and everything and see if it works.

Well, we finally broke and bought the 4Moms Mamaroo (expensive might I add) but man it's a godsend.  Now, we bought the non plush one because it was overall cheaper and still had the same "extras".  I figured I could just put a blanket over it to make it feel soft. 
I had to MacGyver the Mamaroo, people.  I had to make it look literally like this floating orb with her swaddled like crazy in it.  Preston calls it a spaceship, ha!

She has a blanket underneath, she is swaddled like crazy, and I've created a little canopy on the mobile so she has some dark space.  This picture shows the Mamaroo on Monday in our family room.  We have since moved it right next to her crib in her room so I can simply use the monitor to watch her and close the door.  This gives Preston and I some great time together where we don't have to tip-toe around trying to keep the baby asleep and she has some peace and quiet.
THANK GOODNESS!  We've figured it out!

So I have to say, watching two kids has been a lot easier than I thought.  Especially on days like today where both kids are napping at the same time and Mommy has some serious alone time.  It's amazing :)
But all throughout my pregnancy with Lyla I was sick and just not myself.  So it was hard to have alone time with Preston because I just couldn't keep up.  I finally can and it feels so good to build that relationship back up again to a more one on one kind.
Look at these two!  I'm so lucky!

Little girl, I want to remember how you put us through the ringer with the sleep thing.  But I also want to remember how different, beautiful, and special you are.

Here's to sleeping babies and the MacGyver Mamaroo!

1 comment:

Much Ado About Somethin said...

Glad you like the mamaroo. I almost registered for one...of we have sleep troubles we'll be making our way back to Babies R Us to pick one us. Sweet babyyyyy!!!

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